Monday, January 11, 2010

I've already heard it...

I've already heard it! Many, many, many times as a matter of fact! You may wish to tell me that "I'm Crazy," but with the number of people that have already told me how "crazy" I am, it just won't make a difference. I guess my parents taught me well to think on my own and not care about what other people say! (Thanks Mom and Dad!)

I'm not sure what you all know, but we had a Golden Retriever that died last August. It was so sad for everyone in our family, but especially Twerp #1. He had a really rough time! It was hard to go through the mourning process with a child as he mourned the loss of his best friend. Darby was always there for us and considering that we got Darby when Twerp #1 was only 3 months old...she'd always been around for him. We told the kids that after we got home from China, we'd find another dog for our home...but as we started to look, all Twerp #1 wanted was a Golden that we'd name Darby. I thought it might be best to go out of the box a little bit and try for a different breed. I searched on Google for dogs that are really good with kids (a must in our house) and this type of dog kept on popping up! A Saint Bernard. Yep, we went big.

Stephen was a little worried that a Saint Bernard would be too we took the kids to visit a 4-yr. old girl (120 lbs) on Saturday at the local pet store. Her owner was there for organization that rescues St. Bernards and finds a forever family for them. Stephen looked at this grown dog and said, "it's not as big as I'd imagined..." We asked a ton of questions, went home and talked about the possibility and at 4:00, she called and said that there was a 6-month old female puppy available now. They usually don't get a lot of puppies and this was a chance for us to get one and train it and watch it grow.

So we went to a home in Orange, CA - about 20 minutes away from our house - to see this puppy. It was in an area where each home can have "horse property" so the lot sizes were huge. This family had a bunch of chickens, two roosters, two goats, 4 dogs + the puppy available for adoption. The kids had a BLAST seeing the puppy for the first time. We decided to bring her home and call her Brandy. She's 60 pounds and as big as Darby was as an adult. She's incredibly gentle and plays really well with the kids. She had a great night sleep last night and didn't bark once. She puts a smile on my face as well as the face of each of my children. Twerp #1 came up to me with tears in his eyes and asked, "Mom, can we bring her home?" He is especially glad to have a new friend to cuddle with in the mornings.

Here are some pictures of our time at Brandy's foster home...

Brandy looking out the gate of her "pen" at the roosters

Zoe petting Brandy for the first time. She has beautiful markings for a Saint.

Twerp #4 and Daddy walking over to see the chickens

Brandy looking out of her pen...waiting for us to finish the paperwork so we could bring her home.

The chickens clucking away in their pen. There were two roosters that would chase Twerp #3 around the yard. He was so scared of them and had tears in his eyes and true fear as he didn't want to get pecked!

The kids petting one of the chickens. This woman was so kind to let the kids play with all her animals like she did. What a lovely home she had.

So...that's our Sunday. It's the year of Adoption for the Margala family. I know you all think we're crazy for adopting a St. Bernard, but we made such a great decision and can't wait for you all to meet Brandy.

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1 comment:

Maren said...

I don't think you are crazy. Well at least not for adopting a Saint! Can't wait to meet her!!