Thursday, October 30, 2008

Could I Be Any Prouder?

This will be a short post...not much need for an elaborate explanation. Twerp #1 has found a new talent. It started out as making "farting" noises by laying on his back with his hand behind his knee and then pulling his knee down. Great. He then "graduated" to making the same noise with his hand under his armpit and pulling his arm down in a rapid motion. Tonight, I'm proud. He just came up to me and said: "Mom, I can make that same noise with my neck!" He put his hand under his neck and quickly made a hard nod. Sure enough, that special noise came forth. Boys and 2nd grade. Disgusting. I have to try really hard not to laugh...don't want to encourage this "stage of life."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Are these for real?!?

I just got my Bed Bath and Beyond coupon in the mail. On the inside of the sale catalog they sent, were these Slipper Genie Micro Fiber Cleaning Slippers! Do you think they'd really work? If they did, they would be a gift sent to me from the Slipper Genies!

Do you all know my love of slippers? Do you know the number of times I've arrived at Preschool in my slippers to drop off and then pick up the same kid? I go to the grocery store in my slippers. I go to the bank, the neighbors, the elementary school, MOPS meetings, PTA name it and I've probably been there in slippers. You see, I get dressed and ready in the morning. But, as I walk out to the kitchen to make breakfasts and lunches, my feet are cold. So...I slip on my slippers. Who wants to take the time to put on socks and shoes when you're still going to be home for awhile?!? My feet are so cozy and happy that when it's time to leave the house, I don't think twice about it. All of a sudden, I'm at bible study and people look at me and say "nice shoes!" That's when it hits me...they're my fuzzy red slippers!

Anyways...back to the point. If I could wear my favorite shoes in the world and clean my house at the same time, it would be a miracle. Do you think you just spray some floor cleaner and let loose on the wood floor? Turn the music up and dance, walk or drag your kid to a time out all in the name of a clean floor?

I do have a 20% off coupon and the $10 slippers would now be $8. Seems like it would be worth it to try. Now that I think about it, Twerp #'s 1, 2 and 3 would probably like a pair too...then I wouldn't have to mop my floors all the time...ahhh...something to think about.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Where were you 12 years ago? 12 years ago it was 1996. 12 years ago, I was 22. 12 years ago, I was in my senior year of college. 12 years ago I didn't have kids, stretch marks or utter the words, "because I said so!" 12 years ago I drove a black truck and went on weekend trips with my friends. 12 years ago, I was single. That's me.

12.5 years ago, Stephen started a new job at Abbasoft Technologies. Then, in 1998, Stephen and I started dating. In 1999 we got married. Still, Stephen is working at Abbasoft. Then, we proceed to have kids...he takes time off of work for the birth of Twerp #1 in 2001. In 2003, Twerp #2 is born. Finally, he gets another week off for the birth of Twerp #3 in 2004. Still, he works at Abbasoft.

Fast forward 12 years. I've graduated college...but don't work. I'm not 22 anymore, although I was carded last July for buying beer. My mode of transportation is a white minivan that seats 8! I have 3 kids and don't go on weekend trips on the spur of the takes a long time to get away for the night. But I love the changes that have come with the last 12 years!

On October 16th, 2008, Stephen started a new job! It has been 12 years since his last job change - and although he didn't beat my Grandpa's record at job longevity (1 job his entire life!!!), he has surpassed almost anyone I know our age. He is still programming, but in Irvine. He is learning something new and seems to enjoy it. Here's to a good changes in life. Cheers!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Tooth Fairy Has Struck Again!

The Tooth fairy Has Struck Again! Last night, Twerp #1 came home from school with a tooth in a baggy. Lucky me, I was blessed by not having to watch the "wrenching of the tooth" again. I'm not sure why, but when there is a wiggly tooth, my stomach just churns in knots and I get a little queasy.

However, there was another wiggly tooth on the bottom. Twerp #1 was sure that he could get it out before bedtime. He wiggled and wiggled. He pulled and twisted. And sure enough, just before bedtime, out it came. Two teeth in one day. That has to be a record, don't you think? Well, I washed his tooth off and put it under his pillow.

This morning, no money was found under his pillow. What!?! How could that be?!? I had him look again and sure enough, there was a $5 bill between his mattress and the headboard! It must have slipped down there during the night. An entire 5 bucks? My tooth fairy was NEVER that generous! I usually got a bunch of change in an old sock...not to say that I wasn't grateful, but it never amounted to $5. It was usually the same amount that was in the bottom of the tooth fairy's purse. I have to chalk it up to losing two teeth on the same day. Maybe if that had happened to me, I would have gotten $5 too. Maybe. Or, maybe not. I guess I shouldn't dwell on it too much since I'm not in the teeth losing stage anymore. Hmmmmmm.

Thought I'd post a picture of the toothless pumpkin at our house.

I'd say we need to get on the brushing bandwagon!

Twerp #3 just had to get in the last picture. He's sure that his teeth will start to fall out soon too!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Boy to Man in 3 years flat!?!!!

I've heard that boys and girls are remarkably alike until just before they hit puberty. For example, when my 7-year old cries because he's frustrated, that's normal. Granted, boys will be more involved with sports and legos and other "boy stuff" but as far as emotions go, they are very similar to girls until the pre-teens.

OK. That's good. I understand that I should expect my boys to be like my girl for a while longer. I was used to that. I had it down. I can deal with the tears and frustration and whining.

But then comes "nuthin'." What did you do at school today? "Nuthin'." Where do you want to go this afternoon? "I dunno." What do you want for dinner? "(silence)." If I gave you a million dollars, would you answer my question about school? "you don't have a million, no."

I thought that boys were supposed to talk to their moms. I thought that boys didn't turn into quiet, non-answering men until the pre-teen years. Who gave me this false impression about my boys?!? I have three more years until Twerp #3 becomes just like Twerp #1 and then I'll have three people that don't talk in the house and it'll just be Twerp #2 and I conversing at dinner. She'll tell me about her afternoon. She'll tell me about who's nice at school and who talks too much in class and who she shared her lunch with. It's not about pulling teeth with Twerp #2, it's just about getting in our conversation. Ahhhhh...the life of a girl.

Sorry, Gary!

When I started my blog, I didn't know if anyone would actually care that I was writing...I just wanted to get down in print the funny things that my kids say...the places that we go.... People always say, "are you writing these things down?" No, I usually don't write things down, but now I am. My children will have a legacy! My children will have memories! Yeah, right. What they'll have will be things we can tease them about ad infinitum until they get married. But when they have children of their own, we can tease them again and again and again...

Anyways, to get back to the point. I knew that I would forget to tell my grandparents some of the funny things that happened during the week. So, when I started my blog, I put my grandparents and Stephen's grandma as two of the people that would get my blog emailed to them when there is a new post. Then, I added my dad's cousins in South Dakota. (To be honest, I thought that they had nothing better to do than read my ramblings...especially in the winter and when they're watching an auction of cows. We love you Melvin and Beverly!) Then, I added my aunt Lori and she emailed me and asked me to add her daughter, Jill. Ahhhh, but alas, I forgot to add my uncle, Gary! He called and sounded so pitiful and sad.

Gary, you don't look pitiful in this picture with Mara (my niece at 10 months). I love you Gary! Soooooo much. I'm sorry you were left off my blog email list. Now you're on it and will never be taken off. However, if you're out of town and want to check in with the margala family, just go to Please forgive me for all the hurt feelings I've caused in your blogging life these last few months. And, the next time we see each other, I need to get a picture of you with MY kids...I don't seem to be able to find one. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I came across this cool web program called Wordle. You go to and then you can create your own wordle. You can input any web address and after you click on submit, you will get a wordle created from that website. The program takes the words that are found most often on the website and makes those words larger. You can change the colors of the text, the direction of the words and randomize your wordle. This is the wordle made from my blog. Enjoy making your own wordles...

PS. Would wordle be found in the dictionary?!? I think not since it was the only word that was found "incorrect" when the spell checking was done.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Always and Never

Always and Never are a source of irritation in me. They are used too frequently in my household and it's starting to bug me more and more often. Here are some examples:

Twerp #1: I always have to do more around the house than my sister and brother! (Um, no.)

Twerp #2: I never get to play what I want. (OK, then I'll just donate all your dolls and games to goodwill.)

Twerp #2: We never get to go swimming. (yeah, those swimsuits are just for decoration...)

Twerp #3: I always have time outs! (well, that one just might be true...NO, It's NOT!)

Twerp #1: I never get to watch what I want on TV. (yeah, then I'll just turn it off FOREVER!)

Twerp #2: I always have to eat stuff I don't like. (well then, don't be so darn picky!)

Twerp #3: I never get what I want when I want. (it's called life, buddy. Learn to like it.)

The problem with the always and the nevers is that I'm starting to get very immune to the whining. It's like they have "good time amnesia." They can only remember the things that they don't like or the things that they don't get to do. They can't remember the good times and say thank you for them...just take them for granted.

Tomorrow is a day off of school. The kids and I will be at home all day long. Sure, we'll probably go to the beach (since it's darn hot this week), but they won't remember it by dinner time. When Daddy comes home and asks what they did, they'll say, " was boring today." I'm sure it's the sign that they'll eventually end up with dementia and Alzheimer's. I'll be sure to let their future spouse know of their forgetful tendencies...just so they know what they're signing up for...

So...IF I remember, I'll post what we DIDN'T do tomorrow. It'll just be another boring day...with a lot of NEVER's and ALWAY's thrown in for good measure.

The Logic of a 4 Year Old...

4 year old logic isn't always correct! (duh) Yesterday, Twerp #3 went to my girlfriends house for a "mom swap." I had watched her 3-year old in the morning and she would watch the Twerp in the afternoon until school got out. Seemed like a good idea. However, when she dropped him off she told me the following story:

"I was downstairs emailing a friend when I heard the Twerp go to the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and then I heard the sink water running. Good for him. Well, all of a sudden I heard that there was water running onto the ceiling above me. I ran upstairs to find the Twerp dumping cups of water into the Polly Pocket Swimming Pool. The water had run down the wall, behind the baseboard and onto the ceiling of the office. When I asked the Twerp why he was putting water in the swimming pool, he replied, "Sorry, Michele. But I saw this swimming pool on a commercial and there is supposed to be water in it for the dolls to have fun. It's a hot day. I'm sorry, Michele."

She told me that he kept on repeating that he saw it on a commercial...I'm as thankful for ads on TV as I am that there is candy in the checkout line at the grocery store.

Today, at preschool, I was kept after class for an announcement from Mrs. May. It seems that out on the playground, Twerp #3 heard his new classmate say that she was hot. He proceeded to dump a pitcher of water right over her head. I see the logic that he had...because we talked about it in length after we got home: "Mom, she was hot. It was at least a million degrees today and she already had little drops of sweat water on her face. When I get sweat water on my face then I like to get my head wet. I was trying to be know how helpful I can be!" Yes, Twerp #3, I definitely know how helpful you are. (wink, wink) And it was hot...98 when I picked him up at school today.

Water has been a problem for me the last couple of days. I better give him more bath time and let him get his "water issues" out of his system. I'll go start the bath now...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another blog...

I've been catching up on my brother's family through the blog that his wife writes. You have got to see them in action! (And I do mean action). If your're interested, you can go to You'll get a dose of what 4 kids is like...something we're looking forward to in a year or so...