Why does it seem like Thanksgiving goes by in a blur, but the Friday after Thanksgiving is the longest day of the year? Could it be that I get up at the darkest point of the day to get ready to shop?!?
I’m thinking about Christmas gifts now…what to get people, what to make for others…. I’m looking at our budget and seeing that we don’t have a ton of money to spend on the various gifts that we still have to buy. I HATE shopping the day after Thanksgiving. I’d rather spend the day with my family, lounging and eating leftovers, playing at the park and possibly taking a nap…but I know how much I save when I brave the lines at Target. I know that I can get most of my Christmas shopping done when I get up early and wait in countless lines. I’
ve made my pros and cons list and although the cons outweigh the pros in numbers, the financial balance sheet outweighs most of the cons and I end up shopping.
I am thankful. I am thankful that we can spend the 4 day weekend together as a family. I am thankful that last year, my 6 year old son wanted to go shopping with me early in the morning to get a special gift for his dad. It was really nice to have the company. I am thankful that by noon, I’ll be done and that my husband will let me have a nap. But mostly, I’m thankful for
Lowes and Home Depot. For the past couple of years, I’
ve gotten Stephen his gift at one of these two stores. People, there is no one in line! It’s me and about 15 other men who are walking around the hardware store while their wife is down the street at
Wal Mart! Plus, the brilliant thing is that you can find something for everyone at
Lowes…or Home Depot. There is no waiting in line…no trying to find a parking spot…they’re not “out” of what you went specifically to get…it’s just a beautiful shopping experience – even if it is in the dark early morning hours.
So yes, I’ll probably be one of those crazy ladies out on “Black Friday.” And family, if you have any Home Depot or
Lowes requests, let me know! Bring on Thanksgiving! (and bring on the shopping the day after).