Sunday, April 26, 2009

Twerp #3 is learning to read

Stephen and I had a neighbor a few years ago that loaned me this book "Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons." It's an amazing book. Looks kinda weird...but it works so well. I'd recommend it to anyone that has a 4-6 year old who wants to learn to read. We don't do it in 100 consecutive days. We take our time and do it over a few months. But our children go from not knowing how to read anything to a 2nd grade level by the end of the book. Twerp #3 is on lesson 16 or so and I took a video of him learning to read.

He loves reading with us. Sometimes we'll do two lessons a night, sometimes only 1/2 a lesson. He's a sweet boy who just wants to catch up with his sister. I love teaching my kids to read. I know that they learn in school, but it's so amazing to see how their brains work and how much they love to figure words out. Hopefully on our trip to MN this summer, the kids will be reading in the back for awhile each day. It'll allow me a little peace and quiet. Think it will work?

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