Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Orange County Play

At dePortola Elementary School, in 3rd grade, you study about the history of Orange County and put all the history into a play/musical for the parents.

Stephen and I both attended the play and it was AMAZING! Twerp #1 did such a wonderful job with his lines and his song. He sang a song entirely in Spanish as he was a cowboy/rancher for his part. Twerp #1 and his class taught us so much about Orange County that we never even knew. Both Stephen and I spent some time that evening discussing what we the streets all around our home are named after people who founded Orange County.

Twerp #'s 2 and 3 also got to see the play that morning. It's pretty fun to be able to have the entire family attend these types of events where we can support each other and cheer each other on. Twerp #4 sat in the audience with Stephen and I and would clap and cheer after each person gave their speech. She would dance and rock out with each song. It was adorable to see.

I am proud of my Twerp. I am proud of him because he puts so much effort into everything he does. He makes my heart sing and I love him so much! Great job, Twerp!

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