Friday, September 19, 2008

Big words are hard

Last night we were having dinner. Twerp #1 had finished his meal and wanted seconds. Along with seconds comes a second glass of juice. He went to the fridge and poured himself 1/2 a glass. I got him some more food out of the crock pot. After we had both sat back down, I noticed that his glass was full - almost to the top. As my eyebrows went up, he said:

Twerp #1: "Dad, do you know why my glass is full of juice?"

Dad: "No, that's a lot of juice..."

Twerp #1: "It's because I polluted it."

Dad and I laughing: "I think you mean diluted..."

Twerp #1 laughing: "Oh yeah. Polluted is when you put smoke and stuff into the water."

Me: "Yep, that's right."

Hopefully I don't end up "polluting" dinner from now on.

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