Monday, September 8, 2008

School's Started!!!!!

Holy Smokes! Today is the first day of school for all three kids. Thought I'd clue you in on my plans for the day. I've already sent Twerp #1off to school with lunch. Won't see him until 2:30. Twerp #2 will eat lunch at 10:45 and then will be off to school with a snack from 11:10 until 2:30. Twerp #1 will pick her up and then they'll walk home together. Yea me! I can just wait for them on the couch listening for the front gate to squeak open! Twerp #3 has his first full day of preschool today - complete with outside playground! I take him at 12:30 and then will pick him up at 3:15.

So what will I do for 2 whole hours by myself! Here's the plan. Before I drop off Twerp #3, I'm going to put on a Depends. I'm pretty sure that after I am childless for the first time in 7.5 years that I'll pee myself...thus, the Depends. After I clean up any mess that I may make...I'm off to the grocery store for quiet shopping. I'm pretty sure the clerks won't recognize me. I won't be saying: "We're not getting that, put it away." "Don't run your hands along the bottles! You're going to knock them all off the shelf and we don't have money to pay for all of them!!!" "No matter how good you are today in the store, we are definitely not getting that to drink. You can't have that until you're 21!" "No." "NO, NO, NO." (and then just loud enough for the manager to hear as we exit the checkout line...) "We're not getting any candy today. I don't know why store managers insist on putting candy in the checkout line so we have even more to deal with!"

I realize it won't take me 2 hours to do my grocery shopping, but if I want it to, it can! I have to finish cleaning and do some laundry. Doesn't sound too fun, but I'll be able to get three times as much done today without kids around. It's not that I don't love the little Twerps, but having a little quiet is going to be BEAUTIFUL! Two full hours without hearing, "Mom??? Mom??? Moooooooommmmmm??? MOM!" It'll be blissful. I get a full 6 hours a week like this. Well, actually it'll be 4 hours because two of them will be spent in Twerp #2's class volunteering.

Enjoy your Monday people! I sure will!

1 comment:

Maren said...

How about some first day of school pictures??