Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Anyone have a plumber?

We need a plumber! Our hall bathroom has a toilet that's been getting "stuck." It won't flush every once in a while. We've plunged it many times and now, tonight, Stephen finally decided to see what the problem was. Well, he drained the toilet. He vacuumed out the toilet with a wet/dry vac. He removed the toilet and that's when we saw the problem.

There is a TREE growing out of our toilet! Can you believe it!!! I'd take a picture, but I left my camera in my sisters car. You'll just have to trust me on this! Stephen finally got it removed and it was a huge bush (I thought they were tree roots) that was growing in our filth! You know that nightmare that we all have - I hope it's not just me - where we swallow a seed and then have a tree growing in our body, or where we swallow a spider egg and then it bursts inside of us, or...I digress. Sorry.

We have a tree/bush in our toilet. Nasty. What's even more scary is that Stephen's mom is visiting and helping me with the kids while Aaselia was in the hospital. Stephen's Aunt is renting our 4th bedroom right now. That means that there are 8, yes 8, people staying in our house...our house that has one working toilet. Tomorrow morning looks very promising! Ahhhh...anyone know of a Hilton, I mean plumber we can use?!?

1 comment:

Maren said...

Yikes. Have Zoe draw a picture...