Thursday, March 11, 2010

What a difference 6 months makes (4344 little hours)

This was September 12, 2009. Asaelia had surgery almost 2 weeks earlier and was in China. We were waiting and praying for her daily. We were to leave just 3 days later to bring her her forever family.

We had a great 6 months - I can't believe it's been that long! She grew some hair...learned who her family a new puppy...played some more and learned to be one of the better kissers in our family! I just LOVE getting kisses from her!

Fast forward 6 months. Aaselia had surgery exactly 6 months after her original surgery in China. This was 4 days later (not the almost 2 weeks in the above picture). She was happy, truly happy, to be sitting on Daddy's lap and playing/reading books with him. She has a shine in her eyes...and even her NG tube couldn't stop her from enjoying life.

God has been good to Aaselia. He's been REAL GOOD! Seeing the difference in these two pictures shows what a difference LOVE makes in the life of a child. It's not perfect love on our part, but it's the perfect love of Christ who has changed this girl. Every night she folds her hands and bows her head as we pray over her.

Just look at that smile. Our almost 4 year wait was worth every minute.
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Amy @ Findingfitme said...

Are those dimples. So cute. Her eyes shine with love.

Maren said...

I had not seen the first picture before. Too cute. Thanks!