Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Are these for real?!?

I just got my Bed Bath and Beyond coupon in the mail. On the inside of the sale catalog they sent, were these Slipper Genie Micro Fiber Cleaning Slippers! Do you think they'd really work? If they did, they would be a gift sent to me from the Slipper Genies!

Do you all know my love of slippers? Do you know the number of times I've arrived at Preschool in my slippers to drop off and then pick up the same kid? I go to the grocery store in my slippers. I go to the bank, the neighbors, the elementary school, MOPS meetings, PTA name it and I've probably been there in slippers. You see, I get dressed and ready in the morning. But, as I walk out to the kitchen to make breakfasts and lunches, my feet are cold. So...I slip on my slippers. Who wants to take the time to put on socks and shoes when you're still going to be home for awhile?!? My feet are so cozy and happy that when it's time to leave the house, I don't think twice about it. All of a sudden, I'm at bible study and people look at me and say "nice shoes!" That's when it hits me...they're my fuzzy red slippers!

Anyways...back to the point. If I could wear my favorite shoes in the world and clean my house at the same time, it would be a miracle. Do you think you just spray some floor cleaner and let loose on the wood floor? Turn the music up and dance, walk or drag your kid to a time out all in the name of a clean floor?

I do have a 20% off coupon and the $10 slippers would now be $8. Seems like it would be worth it to try. Now that I think about it, Twerp #'s 1, 2 and 3 would probably like a pair too...then I wouldn't have to mop my floors all the time...ahhh...something to think about.


Maren said...

If you get them wear them over to our place. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

My feet wouldn't like them, but if they work, get the kids each a pair.
I couldn't move fast enough to get over our floors, anyway.
Love your blogs.