Sunday, May 17, 2009

Crooked Fingers...

Twerp #1 has some crooked fingers. I took him for his 8 yr. old checkup and the doctor asked if there was anything that I had any questions about..."Well, he has these crooked fingers..." Dr. Lin looked at them and then looked at me with HUGE eyes and low eyebrows. He took out his pen and started drawing the Twerps fingers on his paper. (See a visual of his crooked fingers here.)

Dr. Lin called a couple of days later to say that he'd spoken with a Rheumatologist and the official diagnosis is that "it's weird." Official, huh? Yeah, maybe we don't want to go with the "It's Weird" doctor. He said that with a child of 8, he should be seen by a Pediatric Hand Orthopedist. Where do you go to school to get that specialized?!? I can understand the Orthopedist part. Even the Pediatric Orthopedist. But the Pediatric Hand Orthopedist? Too detailed for me...although I'm glad they're around because this is exactly what the Twerp needs right now. It's getting hard for him to write at the end of the day. His fingers hurt. Besides, I don't want my kid having a "severe medial deviation of the middle finger" anymore. Sounds too ugly. So...we'll probably have some x-rays done tomorrow. Hopefully they won't have to break his fingers. Maybe we'll wait until school is out for that (if it has to be done). Ouch. Hopefully there's a "straighten your middle finger pill."

But for now, he's like the Sink Guy...Melmo...Uncle Keith. And there's nothing better than that, cause in the Margala household, we love Sink Guy.

1 comment:

Maren said...

I love his crooked fingers.