Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A discussion about jobs...

We were driving home from a girlfriends house last Friday morning. Twerp #1 had earned $1 from my girlfriend because he kept her sons lego creations safe while we were having our bible study downstairs. Twerp #3 soon said that he wanted $1 too. I told him that when we got home, he could clean around the house and he could earn $1. This is the conversation that followed:

Twerp #3: I don't want to have to work to earn a dollar. I just want to get the dollar.

Me: You can't just get money. Even daddy has to go to work every day and he earns money. But, you can find a job that you love, like Daddy does. When he goes to work, because he loves working with computers so much, it doesn't feel like a job to him. He gets paid to do something that he loves. So, you can find a job that you love too...like being a fireman, or a pastor, or a teacher...and then you can get paid for doing something that you love!

Twerp #3: (He was quiet for a little bit.) Mom, can I get paid to watch TV?

Sometimes, when I talk, it's just wasted breath. :)

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