Friday, July 24, 2009

We Got Travel Approval!

Whoever said that adoption isn't anything like childbirth was completely wrong! With each step of the way these last couple of months, I have felt both like laughing aloud and crying at the same time. It's the same as when I was in labor in the hospital.

Today, after 3 1/2 years of waiting, we have received approval to travel to China to bring home Aaselia. FINALLY! At one point this week, we thought that we wouldn't get it in time and we'd have to wait another month to bring her home. Another month without hugs from us...another month without seeing her smile...another month away from her parents. But that wont' have to happen any longer.

We're planning on leaving on August 4th just before midnight so we can sleep on the plane there (yeah, right!) and then getting to Beijing sometime in the afternoon on the 6th. Our Gotcha Day is still planned for August 10th. We're coming Aaselia! We can't wait to hold you and be your forever family!Love,

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Shirlee McCoy said...

Yay! What wonderful news! I'll be praying that you have safe travels and a wonderful introduction to your newest family member.

Jill said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! She is beautiful! Best wishes for a safe travel!