Sunday, July 5, 2009

A rundown of July...we leave 1 month from today!

I'm glad the weekend if almost over. We've spent the entire weekend moving furniture and getting ready for Twerp #4 to come home. Our month is going to fly by and we leave one month from today for China.

This weekend we moved our computer into a cabinet/desk into the TV room. It looks really nice there. You can't even tell we have an office in the TV room anymore. We moved the kids' computer to another wall and then took apart the desk in the girls' room. We put together the crib and painted a dresser to match Twerp #2's dresser. (It's now drying outside on the driveway.) We went through all Twerp #2's clothes and put the clothes that will soon fit Twerp #4 in one box while all the size 3-5 went back up in the attic. We are presently cleaning out the garage so we can walk in there. There is A LOT of junk that needs to be stored when you move stuff out of an office and into a small cabinet. We're going to have lots of stuff going to Goodwill over the next couple of weeks.

Next weekend (2nd weekend in July), we will have a meeting with our adoption agency on Saturday and then on Sunday we need to finish cleaning and getting the house ready for the baby. It'll be a busy weekend.

The 3rd weekend in July we're taking the kids camping...our last time as a family of 5. It will be a nice weekend in the mountains and we're all looking forward to taking our trailer out again.

The 4th weekend in July (and last) is my anniversary and Stephen's birthday. We're going away for the night. It'll be a fun weekend with museums and a dinner where there are no coloring menu's offered and only cloth napkins. Fun.

Then...the next weekend is our last weekend home before going to China. We have to pack for all of us as my children will be with my sister in Minnesota for a family reunion. I can't imagine the hectic schedule we'll all have trying to get all 5 of us packed for 2 different trips, but it will be a good weekend. I've considered letting the children pack for themselves, but there would be only toys and hairbows in Twerp #2's bag. Twerp #1 would pack 2 bibles, a couple of reading books and 3 pairs of shorts. Twerp #3...well, he's had his Nemo backpack packed for a few weeks now and he has three pair of PJ's and 1 T-shirt. Should make for a smelly couple of weeks for my sister.

Yeah, our month is busy. We have VBS starting tomorrow and I'm teaching the upper elementary kids. Should be a lot of fun. Have a great week!

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