Monday, June 1, 2009

A Little Bit About Aaselia...

I thought that today I'd share a little bit about our daughter, Aaselia. There was a little bit of paperwork that was sent along with her file that tells about her growth and personality...a little bit of what we can expect when we bring her home.

As far as motor development: she can sit steadily, can tear paper, clawing, using thumbs and index fingers deftly, crawls and walks with assistance or being held of one hand. She can also take a toy out of the cup, banging 2 blocks together, and throw a toy far away.

Language and social ability: responding to the facial expression of adults, laughing aloud, feeding herself cookies, imitating words and being able to call mom, aunt, knowing what “NO” means, responds to other's asking for her objects, being active, restless, quick in reaction, energetic, fairly extroverted, fond of watching TV, enjoys playing with toys. She is active and restless (sounds like a couple kids I know...), she is fond of playing with toys She has a ready smile and gets along well with others.

Living habits: get up at 6:30, nap from 12:00 to 2:00, go to bed at 8:00; mealtimes: 7:00, 11:00, 5:00 with moderate amount of soft rice and minced vegetable, meat as well as fish. She is not a picky eater! She has milk at 2:00 and 7:30 with 250cc per time. She is a sound sleeper.

I'm sure she has grown a lot since these observations were made. There wasn't an exact date on the paperwork, so I don't know how old she was when the caretaker noted all these things. She is healthy and smiley and beautiful. We can't wait to bring her home.

1 comment:

Maren said...

I can't wait either!