Friday, June 12, 2009

The Tooth Fairy came for a visit!

Yes, we had a visit from the Tooth Fairy last night. She left gold dust on Twerp #2's pillow and generally made a mess in her room. She also left $2.00. Ugh...I never got $2 when I was 6! She said that she's gonna take me to Yogurtland for a date this weekend. Yes! I can't get used to this face. She tells me that I stare at her too much. Whatever. My response is "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit." She just grunts at me and moves on with what she was doing before I started staring at her. She's still beautiful though. I just love her eyes. I'd like to think that I was staring at her eyes...but it's really that red gap in her mouth. A fresh tooth space. They creep me out.

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