Friday, June 19, 2009

We Got Our LOA!

YEAH! We've been officially confirmed as Huan Qin Li's parents. We'll get our LOA paperwork on Monday and we have to sign it and send it back by Federal Express. We have to sign on the dotted line that we accept the referral for Huan Qin and that we want to come to China and bring her home! And really, who wouldn't want to love this little face!!!
Then, Sabrina asked me when the earliest we could travel would be...looks like we can travel to China at the early part of August and come back in time to get rid of our jet lag and then get the kids ready for school. We might be going to China at the same time our kids are in Minnesota for the family reunion. They won't miss us quite as much if they're with all their cousins. We might just be a distant memory for them. We'll still have to arrange a time to Skype with them a few times while we're in China. Aaselia will be able to talk with her brothers and sister. Ni Hao Twerps!
I'll let you all know as soon as we can figure out travel dates. Until then...Ni Hao from California.

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