Wednesday, July 23, 2008

And...her cast is off!

Twerp #2 and I went to the doctor yesterday to get her cast off. It has been a long time since I've had a cast taken off and it was fun to see how they "do it." Here are some pictures of Twerp #2 in the process...

Here we are before we go into the doctor's office.

Then, they put on ear muffs and take a saw to the cast. It was really loud, but Twerp #2 wasn't scared because she hardly heard anything.

Here are the cuts that the doctor made on each side of her cast. It was then pried apart (no pictures, they were blurry)...

Then the doctor cut through the waterproof underlining and the blue steel tape...and took the cast right off!

She was a little unsure if she could straighten out her arm yet. The doctor wiped off the dust and took her to get her arm x-ray'd.

She got her arm re x-ray'd and it was all healed.

This is as far as she could straighten her arm that day. We have a little bit of "playing" to do to get her arm straight again. It was stiff...but should only take a few days of swimming and park and fighting with her brothers to get all the kinks worked out.

My tough girl...
She was so happy! The smile didn't leave her face for the entire day. We took her cast home and tried it on the boys. Twerp #3 loved having a "broken arm" for awhile. However, Twerp #1 was too big and it didn't fit on his arm...not even close.

OK...I was just about to end this post when Twerp #3 came in the office with his underwear down on one side of his hiney. He was complaining that Twerp #1 bit him on the cheek! I could see a faint red circle. When asked why he bit his brother on the bottom he said: "Well, he always pinches me on the bottom and I've asked him to stop! He won't stop pinching I decided to bite him. That'll get him to stop, won't it Mom?" I guess so. Hopefully. It's a method I haven't tried before. We'll see if it works and if it does?!? Who knows what'll be happening in the Margala household.

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